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Chicken Veggie Wrap Recipe

Chicken Veggie Wrap Recipe

chicken veggie wrap recipe for kids and adults

The perfect meals in our house are the one that lay in the Venn Diagram overlap of heathy food that both the kids and grown ups want to eat. These Chicken Veggie Wraps are just that! They're bursting with flavor but in profiles both my kids will eat. For pickier palettes you can forgo both the ranch and hummus and keep it dry or try just one.

healthy veggies on a wrap - healthy lunch recipes for kids

Chicken Veggie Wrap Recipe


  • 1 big spinach tortilla
  • 4 to 5 slices of cooked deli chicken lunch meat
  • 4 to 5 carrot slices
  • 3 to 4 cucumber slices
  • 3 lettuce leaves
  • 1tbs garlic hummus
  • 2 teaspoon ranch
  • dash of cajun seasoning (optional)
  • salt and black pepper to taste


Heat a comal or skillet over medium high heat. Heat the spinach tortilla on the pan for about 30 second per side, depending on how hot your pan is. You want to to just begin to bubble before flipping. Set it aside.

In the same pan, heat the already cooked lunch meat for 15-30 seconds on each side. Set it aside.

For assembly, spread a layer of garlic hummus evenly on the spinach tortilla. Follow that with ranch.

Next layer with lettuce leaves, chicken slices, carrots, and cucumber. Season it with cajun seasoning (optional), black pepper, and salt.

Roll this carefully and cut in the center. You can cover these wraps in silver foil or parchment paper for ease of eating.  Refrigerate until ready to pack up in a lunch box or eat on the run!

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